Once upon a time, in a distant land, two brothers named Hans and Friedrich lived. Hans always had his hands full with farm work, never resting, always busy. On the flip side, Friedrich preferred to spend his days lounging under the sun, avoiding any hard work.
The Mill
One day, Hans decided to add a bit more coin to their earnings. He bought a rundown mill from a merchant just passing through. Night and day, Hans fixed and cleaned, pouring his sweat into making that old mill run again.
The Wise Old Man
As Hans was giving the mill one last polish, a wise old man appeared out of nowhere. With a gentle voice, he offered Hans a deal: three wishes in exchange for a small favor. Hans, intrigued, agreed.
The First Wish
Without hesitation, Hans wished for the mill to grind grain like no other, hoping it would bring prosperity to their home. The wise old man nodded, and with a wave of his hand, made it so.
Friedrich’s Envy
Jealous of his brother’s flourishing fortunes, Friedrich concocted a plan. Late one evening, he sought out the wise old man, hoping to secure a bit of magic for himself. “I’ve seen what you did for Hans,” he said, “and I want in. But let’s spice things up a bit, shall we?”
The Second Wish
With a sly grin, Friedrich made his unusual request. “Let the mill grind grain, but only when I spin a thread.” He imagined hours of leisure ahead, spinning just a bit of thread to produce a bounty of grain. Unbeknownst to Hans, this twist of fate meant the hardworking brother might unknowingly sabotage his own efforts.
The Third Wish
Not content with just one trick up his sleeve, Friedrich had another idea. “And for my final act,” he chuckled, “make it so the mill grinds only when I sing a song.” Visions of easy work danced in his head, picturing himself humming a tune to fill his barns with grain, all while his brother toiled away, none the wiser to his scheme.
The Consequences
Hans, noticing his brother’s sneaky tricks, hatched a plan. With a twinkle in his eye, he grabbed some thread and began to spin. Not just any spinning, mind you, but with such enthusiasm that Friedrich raised an eyebrow in surprise. Hans then burst into song, his voice echoing through the valley, stirring the mill into action. Grains began to grind, and the mill worked as never before, all thanks to Hans’ clever effort.
Friedrich, taken aback by this turn of events, saw the mill churning out flour at an incredible pace. “How’s this happening?” he wondered, scratching his head. Hans, with a smile, kept on with his spinning and singing, showing Friedrich that trickery might win the battle but not the war.
The Mill’s Transformation
Frustrated and a bit embarrassed, Friedrich decided he wouldn’t be outdone. He gathered more threads than one could count and sang at the top of his lungs, hoping to outshine his brother. But the mill, oh, the wise old mill, had grown weary of Friedrich’s laziness and his attempts to cheat the system.
Slowly but surely, the mill’s gears began to grind slower, its stones barely moving. No matter how loud Friedrich sang or how many threads he spun, the mill seemed to protest, “Enough of your laziness!”
Friedrich, huffing and puffing from all the effort, finally stopped and watched in dismay as the mill came to a near halt. It was as if the mill itself was teaching Friedrich a lesson on the value of genuine effort and sincerity.
The Lesson Learned
In time, Friedrich’s pride began to fade, replaced by a growing realization of his mistakes. He watched Hans, who continued to work diligently, with a new sense of respect. “Brother,” Friedrich said one day, his voice soft, “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused. Let me help you with the farm.”
True to his word, Friedrich started to put in the hard work and dedication that he had previously avoided. He learned to appreciate the satisfaction that comes from a day’s honest work, and the mill, sensing Friedrich’s genuine change of heart, slowly began to grind grain efficiently once again.
Their farm flourished like never before, with both brothers working side by side. Friedrich’s transformation was remarkable, proving that even the laziest of souls could learn the value of hard work and dedication.
Thus, the tale of the Lazy Spinner became a story passed down through generations, a reminder that success requires more than just wishing for it; it demands hard work, dedication, and a willingness to change for the better. Hans and Friedrich lived out their days in harmony, their farm prospering, and the mill, ever wise and just, continued to serve them well, a silent witness to a tale of trickery, transformation, and the enduring power of brotherly love.