The Enchanted Forest
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there existed a forest so beautiful it seemed like a dream. This wasn’t any ordinary forest, mind you. It was home to creatures right out of fairy tales. Despite its beauty, two young brothers, Hans and Friedrich, were strictly told by their father to steer clear of these woods. Many had ventured in, drawn by its allure, but not all had made it back.
The Temptation
On a bright and sunny day, curiosity got the better of Hans and Friedrich. Adventure called to them, louder than their father’s warnings. “Let’s see what’s really in that forest,” they said to each other, their hearts racing with excitement. Packing just a small bag of food, they set off, not knowing what awaited them.
The Old Woman
Deep within the forest, the brothers stumbled upon an old woman. She was an odd sight; her clothes were tattered, and her hair was as wild as the woods around them. Despite their initial fear, curiosity once again took over. The old woman, noticing their apprehension, offered them a piece of fruit. Hungry from their journey, Hans and Friedrich accepted her gift, unaware of how this encounter would change their lives.
After they had finished the fruit, the old woman presented them with a riddle. “What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” she asked. Hans and Friedrich pondered the question, but they could not come up with an answer.
The old woman, pleased with their honesty, revealed the answer. “A man! In the morning, he crawls on all fours as a baby. At noon, he walks on two legs as an adult. And in the evening, he uses a cane as an old man.”
As a reward for solving the riddle, the old woman gave Hans and Friedrich a magical seed. She told them to plant it in their father’s garden and water it every day. She warned them not to let anyone else know about the seed.
Hans and Friedrich returned home, excited about their new magical seed. They planted it in their father’s garden and watered it every day, as the old woman had instructed.
The Harvest
Soon, the most beautiful and delicious fruit grew on the tree. Their father was amazed and grateful for the unexpected harvest. Hans and Friedrich were praised for their hard work and obedience.
The Moral
From that day on, Hans and Friedrich learned the importance of listening to their father and respecting the warnings of wise elders. And the enchanted forest, once a forbidden place, became a source of wonder and magic for the entire village.